
Comprehensive online marketplace & one-stop destination for both new and used items.


In 2022, Kunuuz, a comprehensive online marketplace, was launched with the aim of becoming a one-stop destination for both new and used items. This platform facilitates the sale and auction of a wide range of products, catering to diverse consumer needs and offering a seamless shopping experience. From brand-new items to quality second-hand goods, Kunuuz empowers individuals and businesses by enhancing their sales and marketing capabilities, fostering the initiation or expansion of ventures for additional income. The platform allows users to list items for bidding, with other users participating in the bidding process. Kunuuz’s primary objective is to ensure that buyers can find their desired products at prices they are willing to pay. The technology is custom-built to support continuous growth and innovation, transforming the Saudi marketplace ecosystem. Kunuuz collaborates with carefully selected third-party vendors to ensure secure and reliable payment and shipping options.



  • The client had a shorter timeline in mind for completing the application compared to the overall project scope.
  • The client explored a solution to facilitate the settlement of sellers' payments directly from the platform's backend using HyperPay's online transfer functionality. HyperPay had been planned as the designated payment gateway for the application.
  • We planned to use Aramex as the shipping option for the platform, but we encountered challenges with their documentation, which wasn't up to the standard for the integration into the system.
  • Some sellers who had planned to use the platform informed the client about their intention to add many items in bulk and inquired about the available solutions for managing this process.


We analysed the priority tasks for launch, received confirmation from the client to proceed with those tasks, and planned to work on the mobile app only after completing the web application entirely.

After conducting research, we identified HyperSplits as the solution for settling sellers' payments directly from the platform's backend. This choice aligns with our strategy for payment processing on the platform. HyperSplits is an payout system provided by HyperPay that allow you to deduct money from your bank account to your clients bank accounts.

We conducted research on integrating Aramex shipping, held meetings with Aramex support, and reached out to them through multiple emails. We successfully resolved the integration challenges.

We proposed a solution for importing items by utilising an Excel sheet, providing the option to include item images in a designated column. Additionally, we suggested implementing a feature allowing users to upload multiple images with a single click for enhanced efficiency.

Key Features

Unified Shopping Experience:

Kunuuz provided a unified shopping experience by seamlessly integrating new and used item listings on a single platform. Users could easily switch between categories, switch between sale or auction items within the same browsing session.

Advanced Search and Filters:

The platform implemented robust search and filtering options to help users find specific items efficiently. Users could filter search results based on sale or auction, category and sub category, price range, city, and other relevant parameters.

Seller Verification:

To build trust among buyers, Kunuuz introduced a seller verification process by sending verification code to seller mobile number.

Flexible Pricing Models:

Kunuuz allowed sellers to choose between fixed-price listings and auction-style listings for used items. This flexibility provided sellers with different selling options based on the nature and demand for their products.

Secure Transaction Process:

The platform incorporated a secure and seamless transaction process. Users could make purchases using various payment methods, and transactions were protected through encryption and secure payment gateways, ensuring a safe environment for buyers and sellers.

Mobile-First Approach:

Recognizing the growing trend of mobile commerce, Kunuuz adopted a mobile-first approach. The mobile app was designed to provide a user-friendly experience, allowing users to browse, buy, and sell items on the go.

Dynamic Homepage and Personalized Recommendations:

The home page featured dynamic content, showcasing a mix of new and popular used items across categories. Kunuuz recommendation engine personalized product suggestions based on browsing behaviour.


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    Mobile Framework


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    Mobile Language


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    Backend Framework

    PHP Laravel

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    Frontend Language

    React.js & Next.js

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    Amazon AWS

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    APIs & Web Services

    RESTful APIs

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    Version Control


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    Xcode, Android Studio

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    Cloud Services

    Firebase, Google Map


Diverse User Base: Kunuuz attracted a diverse user base, including those seeking the latest products as well as bargain hunters interested in high-quality used items. The platform became a go-to destination for a wide range of consumer needs.

Increased Sales and Transactions: The combination of new and used items contributed to a significant increase in sales and transactions. Users appreciated the convenience of finding both types of products in one place.

Enhanced User Engagement: The dynamic home page, bidding process, and sign in using social media contributed to increased user engagement. Users actively explored the platform, interacted with sellers, and place orders and bidding.

Brand Loyalty and Repeat Business: Kunuuz’s commitment to a secure and user-friendly experience, coupled with the diverse product range, fostered brand loyalty. Repeat business was common as users found value in the platform for both new and used purchases.

Positive Environmental Impact: By promoting the resale of used items, Kunuuz contributed to environmental sustainability by reducing the overall demand for new products and extending the lifecycle of goods.

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